"In this society, it is crucial for our children to be prepared academically. Equally as important, my daughters were given great social skills in our district, that didn't come from 'recess' per say. They had no 'recess' in the middle school nor did they in the high school. Due to the weather we live in, most days were spent inside during recess at the elementary level. My girls along with all their friends have not suffered. I am appalled at the negativity and criticisms these last few months have given our district. We have worked countless hours and have a great reputation with other school districts. I am involved with many other schools through different events where we are commended and I want to keep it that way. This negativity is not good to surround our children with. I feel we have given our children time to release the anxieties and stresses they have during the day. It may not be called recess, but it is the same.
Let our administration do what they do best. If there is an issue, they have always been glad to listen so you can't criticize them. Concerns have been heard and adjustments have been made during this whole process to compromise and make it better. So why bring such terrible negativity? I applaud our school administration/faculty and I applaud all the great energy we have been blessed with and hope to continue that good energy for the benefit of our children. In addition to that, Westmoreland has great community support and that too is priceless."
Some of her claims:
- "concerns have been heard and adjustments have been made during this whole process to compromise and make it better"
Where, Ms. Hawkins have there been any adjustments? Allowing the children to eat quickly through their 30 minute lunch, just to have 5-7 minutes of "playtime" in the cafeteria? Or is it checking the students lunches physically before they are allowed to get this "free time"? That, Ms. Hawkins is not a compromise and you know it and so does the rest of the administrators who have been directly involved in the recess debate.